Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy (“we”, “Pregnancy Gender India, “PregnancyGender” (web and application) hereinafter referred to as “website”) is committed to protecting the privacy of the users of the website (including astrologers and buyers/customers whether registered or not registered). Please read this privacy policy carefully to understand how the website is going to use the information supplied by you. This Privacy Policy is published in accordance with Rule 3(1) of the Information Technology (Intermediaries Guidelines) Rules, 2011 and Information Technology (Reasonable Security Practices and Procedures and Sensitive Personal Data or Information) Rules, 2011 which requires publishing of the Privacy policy for collection, use, storage and transfer of sensitive personal data or information.


We at PregnancyGender take the privacy of the information you provide us very seriously.

  • PregnancyGender guarantees the confidentiality of our members’ identity, birth details and any forecasts made using those details as much as possible under legal regulatory and security environment.
  • We allow members to access their user profiles and change information, as they deem necessary.
  • We do not sell or rent your personally identifiable information to anyone.


This Privacy Policy, which may be updated/amended from time to time, deals with the information collected from users in the form of personal identification, contact details, birth details and any forecast made using the supplied information and how such information is further used for the purposes of the Website/App. By accessing the website/app and using it, you indicate that you understand the terms and expressly consent to the privacy policy of this website/app. If you do not agree with the terms of this privacy policy, please do not use this website/app.
Your continued use of this website/app shall confirm that you have provided your unconditional consent and confirm the terms of this privacy policy as regards collecting, maintaining, using, processing, and disclosing your personal and other information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.


By gathering this data, PregnancyGender strives to establish a personalised user profile designed to meet your individual requirements and preferences. Nonetheless, abstaining from disclosing your date of birth won’t impede the registration process, and you can still avail of PregnancyGender’s services by verifying your phone number through an OTP.


Creating a user profile with PregnancyGender involves providing specific information. The mandatory details include your phone number for OTP (One-Time Password) verification, which is necessary to ensure the security and validity of the registration process. Additionally, you can provide some more optional details like your first name, last name, and date of birth (DOB). This means it is not mandatory to provide it during the registration process.


If you wish to delete your PregnancyGender profile, including the personal information associated with it, you can email us at with a request to delete the data and we will initiate the process.


Apps that access user data must provide a way for users to request that their data be deleted. Your app can satisfy this requirement by providing either a data deletion request callback or instructions to inform people how to delete their data from your app or website.


PERSONAL IDENTIFIABLE INFORMATION: The information qualifies as personal in nature when the information collected identifies a specific end user. Such information would be collected by the website during the following actions:-

  • Creating an account / Registration data:When accessing the Website, users may need to register an account. The personal details requested during account creation may encompass but are not restricted to, full name, address, telephone number, email address, date of birth, gender, location, a photograph, and any other data deemed “sensitive personal information” as defined in the Information Technology (Reasonable Security Practices and Procedures and Sensitive Personal Data of Information) Rules, 2011, enacted under the Information Technology Act, 2000, as well as any additional information necessary for registration on the website. Please be advised that the email address or phone number, used in conjunction with a password or OTP, serves to secure the user’s profile and facilitate the effective implementation of personalized email and SMS services provided by the Website/App. Failure to register may result in an inability to provide services due to the unavailability of the user’s personally identifiable information.
  • Booking a Paid Service: When booking a service via the Order Form, the personal information that may be requested includes but is not limited to financial data such as bank account information, credit card or debit card details, or other payment instrument information through a secure third-party gateway, IP (Internet Protocol) address, and any other information that users may furnish while booking a paid service on the Website. Rest assured, this information is treated with the utmost confidentiality.
  • Website Data Collection:The website employs the use of cookies, which are information pieces stored by your browser on your computer’s hard drive. It also automatically logs generic information about the user’s computer’s connection to the internet, known as Session Data. In some cases, the website may store temporary or permanent ‘cookies’ on the user’s computer. These cookies allow the web server to recognize the user’s computer upon returning to the website, which includes tracking the time and date of visits, pages viewed, session duration, and verification of registration or password information. Generally, these cookies are only read by the server that placed them, and users have the option to block these cookies on their computers. It’s important to note that disabling cookies may limit the user’s access to certain website features. The website uses cookies to tailor the user’s experience and display advertisements according to their preferences.
  • SMS or Call Log permission: By using our services, you grant the Website/App permission to access your SMS or call logs, including the reading of OTPs (One-Time Passwords) sent to you via SMS. This permission is sought solely to enhance your user experience and facilitate the seamless use of our services, particularly when OTPs are required for verification or login processes. Your privacy and security remain of utmost importance to us, and we assure you that this access will be used solely for the intended purposes of authentication and verification. We do not store or misuse your sensitive information in any manner, and this permission is requested solely to improve the functionality of our platform. Your trust and data security are highly valued by us. You may choose to grant or revoke this permission at any time through the settings of your device.

Third-Party Services: Some of the services provided on the Website may redirect the user to third-party platforms. Any information shared by the user on such platforms will be handled in accordance with the privacy policies of those third-party platforms. The Website explicitly disclaims any liability for any issues or claims arising from the use or misuse of user-provided information, whether by third parties or entities not associated with the Website.

  • Public User Contributions: We also gather details, including but not limited to user feedback and comments, which may be posted, disclosed, or mentioned on articles, blogs, groups, forums, or other pages accessible to users while visiting the Website. For information that is publicly available and accessible to all Website users and visitors, it’s advised that users exercise discretion before sharing, as this information can be susceptible to misuse.
  • Miscellaneous Activities:The Website may gather additional information that is obligatory for disclosure, and it may also receive other information via email or other communication methods, including details related to specific services obtained from the Website or products purchased from the Website. Please note that such information may not be included in the User-Member’s Profile but will be utilized solely to address the specific requirements or concerns of the User.


The information qualifies as non-personal in nature when the information collected does not identify a specific end user. Such information is collected when the user visits the Website, cookies, etc. and would include but not limited to the following:

  • URL (Uniform Resource Locator) of the previous website visited by the User before visiting this website or the URL of the website the User visits after visiting this Website.
  • Internet service provider / IP Address / Telecom service provider.

Type of Browser used for accessing the website.

  • Geographical Location

the website utilizes non-personally identifiable information for various purposes, which encompass but are not limited to diagnosing connection issues, managing the website, examining trends, accumulating demographic data, determining visit frequency, assessing average visit duration, identifying which pages are viewed during a visit, ensuring compliance with relevant laws, and cooperating with law enforcement activities, among others. this information is instrumental in enhancing the website’s content and performance. the website may also collaborate with third party service providers and third party advertisers to gauge the overall efficacy of online advertising, content, programming, and for other legitimate purposes as deemed necessary.
the user hereby represent and confirms that the information provided to the website is authentic, correct, current and updated. the website and its entites shall not be responsible for the authenticity of the information that the user may provide. the user shall be personally liable and indemnify the website for the breach of any provision.


The protection of the User’s provided personal information is of utmost significance to the Website. To ensure the security of this information, the Website takes a range of measures, including both physical and electronic security precautions, aimed at preventing unauthorized access. Users’ personal information is gathered on a secure server, and when entering payment details, it is done through a Payment Gateway or the Bank’s secure SSL-protected page. Data transmission between the Bank’s page and the payment gateways is encrypted. It’s important to note that while these measures are in place, no data transmission can be guaranteed as completely impervious to security risks. Therefore, users are encouraged to exercise care and caution when sharing details submitted on the website, including login information generated after registration. It should be acknowledged that the Website cannot be held responsible for the security or confidentiality of communications transmitted over the internet, such as email messages, etc.


The information collected by the Website may be used for any purpose as may be permissible under the applicable law and shall include but not limited to the following: –

  • To enhance the user’s browsing experience while ensuring their anonymity, the personal information collected under the “Personal Identifiable Information” section may be utilized for research purposes, enhancing marketing and promotional strategies, analyzing usage patterns, improving website content, expanding product offerings, and tailoring the website’s layout to better align with the preferences and requirements of its users.
  • The Website will employ IP tracking details and Cookies data solely to enhance the website’s usability and offer a personalized experience. Any sensitive information will not be shared with third parties without the User’s explicit consent.
  • Website will retain all information (and copies thereof), which includes Personal Information, User Data, and other data associated with your utilization of Website’s services, for a duration as required. This includes, but is not limited to, purposes like fulfilling legal obligations, complying with tax laws, potential evidentiary requirements, and other reasonable purposes such as managing your access and usage of our services or resolving disputes.
  • To ensure your optimal comfort and benefit during your Website visit, the data collected through cookies, log files, device identifiers, location data, and clear gifs information may be utilized by the Website for the following purposes: (a) retaining information to eliminate the need for re-entry during your visit or on future visits; (b) delivering tailored, personalized content, including advertising; (c) providing and assessing the effectiveness of Website’s services; (d) observing aggregate metrics, such as the total number of visitors, traffic, usage, and demographic trends on the Website and its services; (e) identifying and resolving technical issues; and (f) planning and enhancing the services provided.
  • The Website employs specific third-party analytical tools to assess traffic and usage patterns for the Services. These tools gather data sent by the User’s device, which is neither personal nor sensitive in nature, encompassing visited web pages, add-ons, and additional details aimed at enhancing the Services. This information is compiled in the form of anonymized logs, rendering it impractical for the identification of any specific individual User.


The Website is committed to safeguarding all information provided by its Users, particularly that which is considered confidential. Such confidential data, not mandatorily disclosed to the website, is explicitly excluded from the definition of Personal Information and shall neither be collected nor used. The Website, its employees, agents, or any third-party contractors, including experts, shall refrain from disclosing or sharing the User’s confidential information, orally or in writing, except under the following circumstances:

  • When the Website deems there is a significant, real, or imminent threat or risk to the User’s health, safety, life, or that of any other individual or the public.
  • If legal obligations necessitate sharing such confidential information, encompassing any investigation, court orders, judicial proceedings, etc.
  • In order to safeguard and uphold the rights or property of the Website.


the website mandates that users accessing and utilizing the services be at least 18 years old. however, certain service information is also accessible to children under 18. it is essential to emphasize that the website is not designed or intended to be appealing to children under 13, and no personally identifiable information is knowingly collected from children under 13. if you are under 13 years of age, please refrain from using any of the services offered by the website in any manner or at any time. in the event a concerned parent discovers the sharing of information about a child under 13, please contact the website promptly. we will take necessary measures to delete the data from the website’s systems.

SAFETY AND SECURITY:: places utmost importance on safeguarding users’ privacy and adopts industry best practices to protect personal information, including birth details and addresses, as well as financial data such as credit card or debit card transactions. We utilize state-of-the-art encryption techniques to guarantee secure transactions, thereby instilling confidence in our clients when using their credit/debit cards on Our commitment is to ensure the safety and security of our users, providing them with an entirely secure and protected experience on


The Website is dedicated to upholding the privacy of all individuals who engage with the platform, regardless of whether they are registered users or simply visitors. It is strongly advised that every user familiarizes themselves with the types of personally identifiable information collected. The Website uses this personally identifiable information for specific predictions, ensuring that it will not be directly or indirectly used for any purpose other than communicating horoscope charts and predictions to the respective member who disclosed the information.
It is essential to clarify that the Website does not engage in selling or renting the information provided to it. Additionally, the Website does not undertake the responsibility of providing assistance to users with mental health issues, including those with thoughts of self-harm or suicide. Such individuals are urged to cease using the website immediately, and any continued usage will be at their own risk. In such cases, the Website may share user information with law enforcement authorities if necessary. This information is not protected by any non-disclosure or confidentiality agreements, either with the Website or any third party involved.
The Website makes no claims regarding the accuracy of predictions offered by astrologers to users. Furthermore, the Website does not guarantee, assume responsibility for, or accept liability for the reliability or authenticity of the gemstones and related items presented and sold on the website. It is important to note that the Website does not provide any form of warranty for such services.


The Website shall not be responsible for any interactions between the user and third-party websites. Users are encouraged to review the privacy policies and terms of third-party websites independently. This Website holds no liability for actions taken solely based on the provision of links to third-party websites on our platform.


If you have any questions or suggestions about our Privacy Policy, do not hesitate to contact us at

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